International Children’s Day was celebrated with… quest!

01 June 2017

Participants of the quest in the Kirillo-Belozersky Museum-Reserve tried on military armour, wriote with a pen, embroidered in “gold” threads and … built a chapel!

Boys and girls had a chance to join in an interesting quest in the Kirillo-Belozersky Museum-Reserve on International Children’s Day. The playing program “In Search of the Magic Key” was held for kids in the Refectory with the Church of the Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple. Fairytale characters welcomed them in one of the main permanent exhibitions of the museum “History of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, Affiliated and Adjacent Cloisters” and set different tasks. Fulfilling them, winners got a fragment of the puzzle with an answer to the main question of the quest - “Where did Koschei the Immortal hide the key to the museum?”

The quest was conducted by Muzeik. This character is considered to be the main dweller of the museum. He told the participants about the history of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, showed them the image of its founder and suggested that they should make a similar chapel as St. Kirill had built here long ago using small logs.

The participants of the quest could not only practice “fishing”, but also showcase their diligence and scrupulousness in embroidery and calligraphy. They could sew a bead onto the fabric in the hall presenting embroidered articles. Nobody dared to refuse this task having seen the shroud “Entombment” donated to the monastery by Duke F.I. Sheremetev in 1645. The boys took hoops and made several neat stitches.

Old Russian armour and weapon of the warriors who had defended the fortress of Kirillov against the enemies in the Time of Troubles aroused much interest. Several participants of the quest could even try them on and feel how heavy the helmet and the chainmail were.

The books displayed in the museum - some prayer-books and the Gospel- also grabbed the attention of the children. Besides, there was a new task for them on the table with dip pens and blank greeting cards. “I wrote with such pens at school every day”, said one of the parents of the kids. He wrote an invitation to tea for his friend without any mistakes and blobs. And the boys who took the dip pens for the first time looked enviously – they couldn’t cope with the task without blobs.

The participants of the quest “In Search of the Magic Key” could not only find the villain who had hidden the necessary article, but also learn a lot of new information about the history of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery. The last question that they asked leaving the museum building was, “When can we come again?”